Marvellous middles

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The midpoint of Blogtober has passed. At fifteen and a half days. Hidden somewhere between two days ago and yesterday. It went by without notice. In the middle of the night. While we were sleeping. We crossed the threshold. To the other side.

The halfway point just came and went. So I thought I would pause for a moment. And sit for a while in the knowledge of the crossing over. Looking back, I am astonished at what has tumbled out of my head. Down into my fingertips. Out onto the page. The memories. Stories. Poems. Thoughts. Looking forward, I am excited about what will be called to be written and shared. And it feels lovely. To sit in the middle. Or just past it. And pause. And enjoy. The now.

As the sun sets and rises each day. The two gorgeous teenagers who walk by my side in life, are turning into adults. And I am reaching what is considered the midpoint of life. The arbitrary middle. No crises in sight. Just creation and blessings. A midlife delight. That is what I am calling it. Redefining what is commonly referred to as a midlife crisis. Goodness. Why so negative? Especially if you are doing the things you have always wanted to do. Being true to yourself. Even if that is buying a really fast car.

And what have I always wanted to do? How am I being true to myself? Storytelling. To inspire others through my writing. To hold space for healing. For my writing and meditation to give people, including me, the space to be what they need. To grow. To heal. Or simply to pause. Reflect. Contemplate. Dream.

I didn’t plan it this way. It just happened. The writer in me woke up. Jumped in the front seat and took off. And along the way, she picked up a hitchhiker. Who sits by her side. And they take turns driving along the road of life. Bonded by dreams and believing. Writer. Meditator. Believer. Dreamer. That’s me as I reach the marvellous middle. As I welcome the midlife delight.

So I thought I would pause for a moment. And sit for a while in the knowing I am crossing over. Over the threshold. Stepping across the line someone drew in the sand to mark the middle of our lives. Looking back I am astonished and what has been. The laughter. The tears. The music of life. And I feel blessed. To have loved and known those no longer with us. To have such a collection of family and friends. Each and every one turning up at the right time. Giving and receiving. Friendship. Laughter. Support. Conversation. Hugs. Love. Care. Creating moments and memories. With more to come. Joining me and my family. As we adventure through life. Falling in love. New babies. Everyone growing up and out. Losing our loved ones. Facing challenges. Celebrating achievements and the mundane, equally. Joyfully welcoming Big Betty and our caravan camping adventures. My writing. Storytelling. Bikes and bonsais. Music. Running. Dog sitting. Cooking. Travels and holidays. Sunshine in the back yard. Meditation. And more.

Looking forward I am excited about what will be called to be lived. What journey we will travel. What is along the road ahead. It is a beautiful horizon. To look out towards. Filled with possibility. Hope. Adventure. Love. But for now, it is about the marvellous middle.

At the very centre of fruit is where you will find its seed. It is at the middle of a cross, where you will find its strength. The centre of a mandala is what draws the eye. And when a seesaw or set of scales matches their midpoint. You have perfect balance. I am in the marvellous middle. The sweet spot. The middle of life. And all it has to offer. Possibility. Strength. Focus. Balance. Everything you need for a wonderful launching pad. To dive into a sea of creativity. And what the world has on offer.

I am grateful for the middle of my life. For what has come before it. And for what will follow. I am loving my midlife delight. It is a blessing to be here.