Tears and self loathing

Tears and self loathing

I don’t know about you, but some days, I wake up out of balance. With a heaviness in my heart that spreads to my bones. Or with an unnamable anxiety buzzing in my muscles. The cause, a mystery. Or perhaps I wake up with both. It doesn’t have to be a lot. Just a pinch. And I am off-kilter. And my job for the rest of the day, alongside the general task of living, is to reclaim the balance. To not fall off the tightrope.

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An uncomfortable truth

An uncomfortable truth

You know someone has spoken the truth when your cheeks go hot. Perhaps you blush because it is a compliment and you haven’t yet learnt to take one of those gracefully. Or maybe, you feel a bit of heat in your cheeks because what is said rings true. So true, it has reached down deep inside you. Grabbed your soul. Given it a squeeze. And perhaps shaken it a little.

This happened to me recently.

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