A little help from my friends


I am so very grateful for my friends. And the community I have across all areas of my life. My friends from high school. My friends from university days. Those from the various places I have worked. Others who I have met through my husband. The ones I have met through my children. Friends I have made, through other friends. And the community I am part of, through my writing. It is nice to know I am never alone. People are around to support me. Encourage me. Guide me. Inspire me. And I hope I do the same for them.

No matter where my friends have come from, no matter how near or far they are and regardless of how different they are, they have one thing in common. Me. And I wouldn’t be me, without my friends. They have shaped me into the person I am through their love and laughter, their questions and ideas. I have grown because of their advice and challenges. I have learnt valuable lessons through their tears, their travels and their adventures. The nicknames they have given me, each and every one a special gift, have helped me understand how they see me and who I am. And I am who I am, because of their love, trust and honesty. Because of their forgiveness, understanding and acceptance of me. I am so very grateful for their willingness to support me in who I am and what I am doing.

My friends are always there for me. And I feel very lucky about this. When I have been lost in doubt, they have lifted me. Reminded me of what I am capable of. Helped steer me in a more positive direction. Equally, they have always been there for me when I have achieved something wonderful, they have been right behind me to celebrate whatever it may be. And when I need to be humbled, they know how to bring me down to earth. They remind me to laugh at myself. Not to take myself too seriously. Help me back on course if I lose my way.

One of my favourite things about my friends is their ability to make me laugh. Laughter is central to some special memories, when we have spent time together and simply had fun. Unplanned time together, with no expectations. Life can get pretty serious sometimes. We all feel the pressure of work. Sometimes we are dealing with an illness (whether a cold or something much more serious; our own, or something a loved one is suffering through). We all have family commitments and competing demands. Life throws us unexpected challenges. Friends help us cope with them. Hanging out. Being together. Good conversations. Laughter. Being silly. All a much needed release from the pressure cooker life can be. Time with friends brings balance and perspective to life. Provides us with the simplicity and joy to counteract the complexities we face at times. Changes the pace of life, bringing much needed relief and rest from how hectic it can be.

We all need our friends. And it is so easy to get lost in the busyness of life and forget to pause, to take the time to check in on each other. Or to let someone know what they are doing, is important. I am always so appreciative when someone reaches out to make sure I am OK. Especially if they have heard, or got a sense there might be some tough stuff going on. And those friends who have taken the time to reach out to me, about my writing, about this blog, thank you. I am so very grateful for the time you have taken out of your own lives to read whatever you have, of what I have written. So appreciative of your comments and thoughts. It fills me with such joy to know that you have taken something from what I am doing. Whether it be simple enjoyment, or food for thought. My confidence and commitment to continue writing grows from your words. Confirming for me, that I am not writing into the void.

It was you my friends, who I would race to, hurrying out of the house each night after school when I was young. Jumping on my bike to go see you. To ride around the streets together, laughing and dreaming as the sky changed colours and shape as the day left and night came. It was you my friends, who I made devious plans with as a teenager. You my friends who gave me the courage as a young adult to follow by heart’s desires. You my friends who inspired me to grow and change into the person I am today. You my friends, who I could trust, to share my fears, trepidations and worries. You who would guide me back to myself. You who have caught me, as I have fallen. You who have walked along the beach with me. Sat by the campfire. Danced until dawn. Sung out of tune with me, at the top of our voices. Bounced on trampolines. Watched sunsets. Fireworks. Movies. Shared dinners. Stories. Memories. And friends.

My dearest friends, you bring the colour into my life. The texture. The flavour. Without you, it would be bland and boring. Not to mention very lonely. I feel so very blessed to have bumped into all the people in my life who have become loving friends. Thank you for filling my life with joy.