What a Jerk!


He’s got under my skin. He’s got into my head. What a jerk! I am mesmerised by his little eyes. That smile. His voice hypnotises me. How could he? His ideas are landing. Firmly. He’s got me. His laugh is adorable. I feel the corners of my eyes and mouth lifting to smile when I hear it. Oh dear! No matter how I have resisted, it is too late! I have fallen in love with ‘The Jerk’!

You might be surprised, as I share right now, that ‘The Jerk’ is actually Eckhart Tolle. I know! I know! How could anyone call this gentle little man ‘The Jerk’? How is it possible? How could this kind-hearted, mystical, elf-like person be referred to in such a way? Well I just did it. With love, of course. And let me explain how I got here.

Like most of us, I had heard of Eckhart Tolle. I knew of his books. But for some reason, I had not read any. I knew he was a spiritual guru. That people loved him. So I was really excited to listen to him when his podcast came up as the next in line for SuperSoul Conversations, the podcast series I am listening to one at a time, working through them from the most recent. Listening to whatever comes next, or a new one when it pops up. So, on this particular day, it was Eckhart Tolle’s turn. And I found him really hard to listen to. He spoke too slow. The tone of his voice was too monotone. It was hard to concentrate on what he was saying, and some of what he was saying was super confusing. He didn’t have the energy of the other podcast speakers I had been listening to. He was an enigma to me. He was hard work. Unnecessarily so. And isn’t the point of being a guru, to make yourself accessible? Make what you are saying accessible? When it got to the end of the podcast I was relieved. I was glad it was over. I thought, ‘This dude might be a leading spiritual leader of our time, but he is not for me. I much prefer Deepak Chopra.’ And that was that. Or so I thought.

So, some 31 days later, and 31 podcasts later, I cringed as I looked at what was next in the podcast list, as I placed the earphones into my ears and started my walk. Up until this point I had been listening to some amazing storytellers and thinkers. David Brooks and Tara Westover. So inspired I went out and ordered their books, which I read with urgency, I just could not put them down, I just had to keep reading. I was buoyed by Marie Forleo. Moved and in awe after listening to Melinda Gates, Rob Bell and Michael Bernard Beckwith. Loved Brene´ Brown (of course). Shawn Anchor was a life changer. I listened to his podcast again and again. It was such an enjoyable, uplifting and important talk he shared. I was knocked over by the courage and beautiful storytelling of Janet Mock. I was loving my walks to work and each podcast that came up. And then I hit what I thought was going to be an impossible wall. I hit ten podcasts in a row of Eckhart Tolle! That is right, ten! Each one, unpacking his book, ‘A New Earth’, chapter by chapter. Oh the universe can be so cruel! My heart sank. Sank out from between my toes, I had to scrape it off the footpath! How the hell was I going to get through this? I barely survived one podcast, now I was facing ten in a row? Impossible! This is going to be the hardest ten days of my life. And then, there was another challenge. I have been listening sequentially through the podcasts, from the latest published. How was I going to do this? Could I listen to these ten podcasts in the opposite order they were intended to be listened to? Could I go through each chapter of ‘A New Earth’ backwards? It seemed ridiculous, but I wasn’t about to let Eckhart Tolle get in the way of what I had set out to do, and how I wanted to do it, how the universe intended it to be done. And so, I decided I would grit my teeth, listen to all of the ten, get through it. And I would listen from the latest published, I would listed from Chapter 10 back through to Chapter 1. I would discover ‘A New Earth’ back to front. Perhaps, I thought, it would be more fun and enjoyable this way.

It didn’t take long for things to shift. After listening to Chapter 10, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed listening to it and what I got out of it. Eckhart’s voice didn’t seem anywhere near as monotone as before. He didn’t seem as slow paced, and if he did, it was appropriate. Gave time to pause, to let what he was saying sink in. It was his natural rhythm. And what he was saying really made sense. It resonated with me. To such a degree I found myself referring to what he was saying in following conversations. Relaying it to friends and others, as advice relevant to their predicament. During Chapter 9, I felt soothed by his voice, suddenly it was the perfect voice for the context and content, for what he was saying. And then I heard him laugh. And by Chapter 6, where I am currently up to, I realised his laugh was really getting to me. It is so damn adorable. So cute. So perfect for him. I am only four chapters in, and yet something has happened, something unexpected. I love Eckhart Tolle! Love what he is about. Love what he is saying. He has got me! I am converted!

So, of course, he became affectionately known to me and the friends I spoke to about him, as ‘The Jerk.’ Because, he got me. Because I was so locked into not liking what he was saying. I was expecting to suffer through the ten chapters and yet, he immediately dissolved my previous reactions to him. ‘What a jerk!’ I would say. ‘How could he do this?’ And yes, the name is perfect for him, because he is the least likely person to ever be a jerk, and to be called ‘The Jerk’. The paradox makes it perfect for him. Reminds me every time that I resisted him. Yet he has won me over. Without even really trying. Just by being him. By saying what he believes in. By sharing for our benefit. By his ‘all-knowingness’. His ability to share without arrogance, without ego.

And if you haven’t listened to him being interviewed about ‘A New Earth’ on SuperSoul Conversations, I highly recommend you make some time to do so. But be warned, you are going to fall in love with him, if you haven’t already. That goofy laugh of his will win you over. And hopefully, my copy of ‘A New Earth’ will arrive any day now. I am desperate to read it. To pour through the pages of his book.

I have, in my time, fallen head over heels for a jerk or two. Particularly in my youth. Before I worked out my worth. Worked out what I stood for, and what I would put up with. How I deserved to be treated. But I have to say, if you are going to fall for a jerk, let it be Eckhart Tolle. He is the most adorable jerk around.