No meat this week

No meat this week

So, this is an invitation to anyone inspired to join me to try one plant-based meal a day, or do a week of meat-free dinners, if you don’t already. You don’t have to become fanatical about things or make sweeping changes to your life. But we can all make a difference even through some of the small changes we make in our lives. Let’s make a difference to our health and the health of the planet.

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Discovering grace

What is there not to like about the word ‘grace’ and what it is reminding us? To walk through life, gently holding grace in the palm of your hand. To reach out with grace. For grace to be what greets people first. In every interaction. In every situation. To live with grace. To die with grace. To be remembered with grace.

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Sisters of synergy

I have a deep connection to my dear friend Lisa, and it is because of her I am, what my family now call me, a ‘blogzombie’! When Lisa came up with the brilliant idea to do a post together halfway through Blogtober, if we were still going with it, I loved it. And here we are. Writing freely. Like our friendship. Bouncing off each other. Seeing what comes next. This piece is about friendship, and synergies with my writing buddy.

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Hope and inspiration

Hope and inspiration

Yesterday I watched a young woman show herself and the rest of the world what she is made of. I watched her lift everyone around her as she ran the 10km run of the Melbourne Marathon. We were all awe struck, proud and inspired. Writing about hope and inspiration, and an amazing young woman.

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