Discovering grace


Do you ever have those words which follow you around? They seem to pop up everywhere. Almost like the universe is trying to tell you something. Asking you to take notice. I have had this recently, with the word ‘grace’.

It seems to find me in the most unexpected times and places. I either see someone embodying grace, or the word is said, or presents itself in some text I am reading. So to honour the listening, the noticing of grace, I thought I would explore where this word is from and what it means. What it means to have grace. To hold grace. And perhaps, in doing so, I would work out what grace is to me.

I thought I would start with the etymology of the word. Grace comes from old Latin meaning pleasing and thankful. Gratus. The word is related to the English word grateful. But today, the word means so much more.

There is grace as movement. Graceful movement is effortless. Smooth. Flowing. Relaxed. There is grace as politeness. A willingness to be fair and honest. Like when you gracefully accept defeat. Grace as prayer. Said at the table before a meal. Grace as approval or protection, given to you from a christian god. By god’s grace. Grace as time passing. Giving yourself or others the grace of time between two events. A couple of days grace. There is grace as honour. To honour something or someone by being part of it. There is grace as title. Her grace. His grace. When addressing royalty. Grace as pleasantness. A charming quality. A politeness. A kindness. A willingness to forgive. In Greek mythology, Grace or Charis (grace, kindness and life) is one of three fertility goddesses. Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia. Each respectively representing brightness, joyfulness and bloom. They are goddesses of charm and beauty.

‘Where life plants you, bloom with grace.’ French proverb

From this I can easily see guidance for how to live my life. To live a life of grace. An effortless, smooth, flowing and relaxing life. One where politeness, fairness and honesty lead action, thought and emotion. Honouring life, by being part of it. Full of patience. Kindness. Forgiveness. Brightness. Joyfulness. And bloom. A life which appreciates the cultivation of beauty. The beauty of life itself. A life where you give yourself the grace of time. Treat yourself and others with grace.

And on reflection, it has been those moments where I have lived my life with grace, that has served me and others the best. Through grace I have found the right solution to difficult situations. Including at times, to walk away with grace. And it is grace which has given me the strength to forgive. Forgive those who have hurt me or someone I care about. And to forgive myself. To not be so hard on myself. To give myself the grace of acceptance. And even facing humiliation, grace has been the one thing to dissipate the shame. Allowing me to laugh at myself. To learn from my mistakes. Grace taught me to be humble when things go my way, or I achieve something wonderful. It is with grace that I appreciate everything I have in life. With grace, and awe, I held my first born, and then my second. With grace I fell in love. Through grace I have a beautiful network of friends. Each and every one graceful, full of grace, in their own special way.

What is there not to like about this word grace and what it is reminding us? To walk through life, gently holding grace in the palm of our hand. To reach out with grace. For grace to be what greets people first. In every interaction. In every situation. To live with grace. To die with grace. To be remembered with grace.