The humble shed

The humble shed

Our humble shed in the back yard has the same energy as all the bungalows I have known. Bungalows don’t need the size and grandeur of the main house. They escape the responsibilities the main dwelling has been designed for. And, therefore, they can always be something a little more fun. Bungalows are subtly attached to garages or tucked away behind trees in the back yard. They aren’t trying to stand out. To make a statement. Their presence is a whisper. A welcoming space. Inviting you inside.

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What a ride!

What a ride!

This is a tribute to all the bikes in my life. The wheeled creatures, which accompanied me on many an adventure around the back yard, on the gravel road circling the neighbourhood houses and along the bitumen leading down to the rickety bridge crossing the river. Those tyres ripped up the dusty, and sometimes very muddy, motorbike tracks running alongside the flow of the water. And my favourite feeling was flying down the big dipper. Fear in my throat. My feet forgetting the pedals.

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Honouring conversations

Honouring conversations

We are creatures of conversation. Conversations are at the very core of our being. There is something spectacularly special about a good conversation. It has the power to nurture us, spark creativity and drive our motivation for change. A good conversation is, at its simplest, just so damn enjoyable. I love them. They energise me. Inspire me. I can carry them for days. They can carry me for days. A good conversation can lodge in your soul, building the essence of who you are and who you will become.

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Trusting in love, anger and destiny

Trusting in love, anger and destiny

Somehow my husband and I stumbled into each other in life. And through twists and turns, love, laughter and heartbreak, we ended up making a commitment to each other, for ever. We said our vows, we exchanged our rings. We promised to stand by each other through good times and through the hard times. And we have.

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