Narrowing and expanding

Narrowing and expanding

Sitting in my library after meditation, looking at all my books I realised something significant had changed. Over the last couple of months there has been a shift in my relationship with books. My books. And books in general. I feel differently about them. And this difference, I realised as I contemplated how it felt, was not just about the books which surrounded me. It was about every aspect of my life.

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Hope and inspiration

Hope and inspiration

Yesterday I watched a young woman show herself and the rest of the world what she is made of. I watched her lift everyone around her as she ran the 10km run of the Melbourne Marathon. We were all awe struck, proud and inspired. Writing about hope and inspiration, and an amazing young woman.

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Hello, goodbye

I have always been intrigued by the fact when a friend walks out of your life, through the door they leave open, another one walks in. How when placing the earth over a loved one with tears of sorrow, they turn to tears of joy with the announcement or birth of a new baby. It is the cycle of life. Hello. Goodbye.

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Discovering the freedom of writing

Writing more freely is about detaching from your writing. That does not mean being cold and distant from it, but truly loving it. Write in a way that embraces the four Buddhists noble truths of love. Maitri, Karuna, Mudita and Upeksha: loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity.

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