Reading out loud

Reading out loud

There is a reason parents tell or read stories out loud to their children at night, before they go to sleep. It helps relax them. It makes them feel safe and secure. It helps with language as well as social and emotional development. It bonds them. It activates their brains in healthy ways. Which can last for days. It releases the cuddle and love hormones which turn up when we kiss and hug. I am so grateful that all these beautiful benefits of the traditions of oral storytelling have returned for adults to enjoy. It will foster human bonding, for a better world.

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Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

Recently, I did something really stupid. A direct result of doing too much. A consequence of not being in the present moment. A reminder to take my time when doing things and to pay attention, my stupidity forced me to slow down. It also reminded me of how much I take for granted. And how in life, sometimes it is important to learn to sit with the uneasy, to get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

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No meat this week

No meat this week

So, this is an invitation to anyone inspired to join me to try one plant-based meal a day, or do a week of meat-free dinners, if you don’t already. You don’t have to become fanatical about things or make sweeping changes to your life. But we can all make a difference even through some of the small changes we make in our lives. Let’s make a difference to our health and the health of the planet.

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