I am nothing

I am nothing

And then I asked myself. What is it to be nothing? What would it feel like to be nothing. And so I tried it. This was where the magic started to happen. It felt good from the start. Light and open. Being nothing, I became the sound of the wind in the trees. The warm sun. The call of the birds. Being nothing is to be everything. To be anything. By being nothing, there are endless possibilities. I am nothing. And it is beautiful.

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Somewhere in the universe, at the same time as you are reading this, a young boy stares at the cocoon of a butterfly. Looking closely, he notices a small opening at the end of the cocoon. The butterfly inside is moving in time to every exhale and inhale the young boy makes. A dance of nature.

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It's OK to grow while people are watching

It's OK to grow while people are watching

A mantra is a truism. You know a truism has found you by the way it makes you and others feel. How you react to it. How others react to it. And so it is for this one. ‘It’s OK to grow while people are watching’. Whenever I share this mantra with people I get the same reaction, I see them have a moment as it lands. As the realisation hits them.

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Trusting life

Trusting life

Life is our story to write, no one else’s. We are the hero of our own journey in life and we decide what kind of hero we are going to be. This is a story of how, with an open heart, trusting the world again, I realised the full potential of my life had been sitting right beside me the entire time, just waiting for me to be ready to welcome it into my heart. And with my unconscious singing in harmony with the universe, things started to happen as I finally woke up to myself.

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Honouring conversations

Honouring conversations

We are creatures of conversation. Conversations are at the very core of our being. There is something spectacularly special about a good conversation. It has the power to nurture us, spark creativity and drive our motivation for change. A good conversation is, at its simplest, just so damn enjoyable. I love them. They energise me. Inspire me. I can carry them for days. They can carry me for days. A good conversation can lodge in your soul, building the essence of who you are and who you will become.

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Time to Listen

Time to Listen

Right now is a time to listen. This is the time to hear the song of the trees. Of those stark and bare, alongside those filled with greenery, flowers and birds. To be overcome by the harmony of bark and leaves. A time to listen to the hum of the clouds as a constant musical note in our day. To discover the messages in the rain. We must listen to our collective knowing, pause and reflect in order to rediscover our place in the world.

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Awesome adaptability

Awesome adaptability

Plato said ‘our need will be the real creator’. Once again in human history, we are experiencing the truth of these words collectively and acutely. The way people have reacted to what is happening at the moment, affirms for me how adaptable we are as humans; and how quickly we adjust. This need to adapt is driven by the deep desire we all hold within us as social beings, our desire to be connected to one another.

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Collective healing

Collective healing

Meditation can manifest a state of mind and an energy. It can change not only how we perceive the world, but what happens around us. What happens around us close by, for us as individuals; and more broadly in a larger scale way, for us as a society. I am a big believer in the power of the collective. I just know in my heart it works.

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The Mandala Connection

The Mandala Connection

I have always been fascinated by mandalas. The mandala is our connection to our true selves, our collective unconscious and to everything: nature, the world and the universe . According to Jung, the mandala is the ultimate archetype. The ultimate universal symbolic pattern to explain the nature of the world and life. Regardless of the meaning human-kind has placed upon the mandala, and our use of this archetype, nature has been creating mandalas since the beginning of time. This is a celebration of mandalas and everything they have to teach us.

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Narrowing and expanding

Narrowing and expanding

Sitting in my library after meditation, looking at all my books I realised something significant had changed. Over the last couple of months there has been a shift in my relationship with books. My books. And books in general. I feel differently about them. And this difference, I realised as I contemplated how it felt, was not just about the books which surrounded me. It was about every aspect of my life.

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Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

Recently, I did something really stupid. A direct result of doing too much. A consequence of not being in the present moment. A reminder to take my time when doing things and to pay attention, my stupidity forced me to slow down. It also reminded me of how much I take for granted. And how in life, sometimes it is important to learn to sit with the uneasy, to get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

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Through the looking glass

Through the looking glass

Seeing things differently alone is not enough to create conflict. But an unwillingness to see something else, an inflexibility towards another point of view, coupled by a lack of understanding feeds divisions as small as minor disagreements right through to world wars, and everything in the middle. Including our own inner personal wars we fight each day. Encouraging a shift in perception at times of conflict and to go beyond the looking glass.

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Inspired by what comes naturally

Inspired by what comes naturally

As I watched my brother perform at the Paris Cat Jazz Club I couldn’t help but notice the joy in the room. His joy. Our family’s joy, mixed with pride. And everyone else’s joy as the music tickled their souls. Listening to him sing and seeing him do it with such enjoyment, reminded me of the importance of doing what you love, and inspired me to commit to doing it more in 2020. Hope his story and his love for music inspires you too.

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Trusting in love, anger and destiny

Trusting in love, anger and destiny

Somehow my husband and I stumbled into each other in life. And through twists and turns, love, laughter and heartbreak, we ended up making a commitment to each other, for ever. We said our vows, we exchanged our rings. We promised to stand by each other through good times and through the hard times. And we have.

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Thoughtfulness: the joy of Christmas

Thoughtfulness: the joy of Christmas

It seems like very year, more and more people hate Christmas. They have lost the joy. And they aren’t shy about sharing it. And it isn’t Christmas per se they dislike, but what it has become. It’s time to reclaim the joy of Christmas by being thoughtful. Thinking deeply about Christmas, a time to hold space for others in our hearts.

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